Tuesday, 20 October 2009

teaser trailers

The teaser trailer for the remake of a 'nightmare on elm street' seems to enlist most of the key conventions of a horror trailer. we an idea of what genre it is from the iconography used i.e low key lighting. the name of the movie is given at the end of the trailer which is typical of most trailers but we are only given one production value, which is the name of the director/producer, Michael Bay. It is unlike most other horror trailers though as it depends on the use of dialoque from the movie and has no voice-over and gives one use of inter-titles at the end, which seems to be the tagline for the movie. The trailer dosen't really seem to use music either, something which is usually a staple of a film trailer. Although we are given an idea of what is general plot of the movie, we are left wanting to know more about this film.

The teaser trailer for the remake of 'Friday the 13th' again enlists most of the key conventions i have now come to expect from such a trailer. It again uses iconography to great effect with the use of low-key lighting really setting the scene. However,we are more of the production values in this trailer meaning that this trailer may have been released shortly before the film itself. The trailer again uses no voice-over, which may be a ploy of the producer Michael Bay, as this is usually one of the main conventions of a horror trailer. This teaser trailer gives almost nothing away about the plot apart from there being a masked murderer on the loose meaning the audience now wants to see the movie to find out more.

We again see the main conventions of the horror trailer in the trailer for 'the Wolfman' with features such as music and inter-titles being used to great effect increating suspence within the trailer. Iconography also plays a major part, Particulary in the still that i have picked out.

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