Tuesday, 6 October 2009

the Shining

After viewing the movie 'the Shining', and using my relevent knowledge of Propp's theory of character roles. i think that some of the characters in the movie do fit the scope given. for example, the character of Jack Torrance ends up becoming the villain, meaning he began as the false hero. his wife Wendy also fits into this as well, in the role of the hero. we Also have the donor,( chef Hallorann), the helper( Charles Grady) and to a certain extent the dispatcher( Mr Ullman). The film also fits into propps theory of Narrative Functions. we have the;

Preperation: Jack Leaves for the interview
Danny is told not to go to room 237

Complication: The phone lines go out
A snow storm cuts off Jack and his family from the outside world

Transferrence: We see Jacks slow decent into madness,(" All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy")

Struggle: Wendy attacks Jack with a baseball bat when he approches her

Return: Jack escapes from the storage cupboard that Wendy has put him in(with the assistance of Charles Grady)

Recognition: Jack dies after being frozen to death
Wendy and Danny escape

Overall, i think, in the main, this movie highlights the majority of Propps character roles, although it has missed some out i.e the princess/princesses father. However, i think this movie does encapsulate all of the narrative functions that Propp created and this clearly breaks them down within the narrative, rather than allowing them to overlap.

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